- 2021.09.16
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Invest Japan
Japanese Government is saying that Japan has actively promoted foreign direct investment (FDI). The investment environment has steadily improved and FDI volume has increased.
Is it true?
Let us see the information that is available to the public by Cabinet office.
In 2013, the Government of Japan set a target of “doubling the inward FDI
stocks to 35 trillion yen by 2020” as a key performance indicator (KPI).
The Government has since been working to attract more FDI by, among others,
finding and attracting foreign companies interested in investment in Japan,
improving the business environment and living conditions for foreign people
working in Japan, and offering foreign businesses opportunities to find
Japanese companies working as a partner for them. The FDI stocks have grown
steadily, achieved the goal, to 39.7 trillion yen by the end of 2020.
Indeed, on the figure, it has increased. However, for companies that actually have wanted to invest in Japan, it should not have been as easy as the figures are. In addition, this amount was achieved by large firms, especially fund and venture capitals.
For small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals, Japan’s corporate society is still closed.
I think an environment, where small and medium-sized investments from 5 million yen to about 50 million yen can be made more easily, is needed.
The number of “business management visas” (former investment visas) established as part of the government’s measures to promote foreign capital is still small.
I am willing to reduce barriers due to language and cultural differences as much as possible.
So far, I have introduced overseas people t through three ways to invest and start business in Japan.
1. Purchase Japanese properties, and operate a rental business and a rental management business as management
2. Buy a Japanese business for sale, and take over it to operate as management
3. Join the Japanese franchise system, and operate as a franchise store as management
Each explanation has been introduced on blogs and other SNS medias, so please refer to them.
There are still difficulties for foreigners to start, but I and the company provide intermediary, management, and operation support to foreigners and foreign corporations who wish to enter the Japanese business, so please feel free to contact us.
7F, KeioShinjuku321 Bldg., 3-2-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku -Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 160-0022
TEL +81-3-5341-4611 FAX +81-3-5341-4623
Property Agent License: Tokyo (1)105965
Email: tanzawa@ablife.jp
WhatsApp: +81 80 3313 5020 WeChat: Kingtan1957