- 2021.04.08
- Japan business manager visa
- Japan investment
- Japanese franchise chain
Japan Business Manager Visa and Investment in Franchise Chains
For the investors who are eager to find adequate targets in Japan
Hello! Again!
I’m Masaki Tanzawa and a licensed property broker and management consultant in Japan.
I’ve been talking about Japan Business Manager Visa and Property Investment in Japan. Today I will tell you about another measure eligible to apply for the business manager visa.
For acquiring a business manager visa in Japan, as I have said many times it is necessary to set-up and run a business in Japan with that you are an executive officer. I offer you so far to buy property and adapt it to your project.
Here I will take up the utilization of the Franchising system in Japan to set up your operation.
I said that the property rental business is easy-to-start and easy-to-run, likewise to buy up Franchised shops is a fast way to accomplish. Further it may be lower risk investment than totally new operations.
I recommend the Franchise chain in Japan to invest in, and show you why it is so.
1.Non-residents/Foreigners can invest and be a proprietor by freehold.
2.There are many business models that successfully stay on the market.
3.It may be easier to join in the franchised chain than setting up a new business entity.
Franchising system is a popular business model in the world, and it is successfully developed in Japan as well. The field of franchising is spreading wide, such as convenience stores, fast food, coffee shops and tutoring schools.
Investing in Franchised stores means to own your asset and at the same time to be licensed to use business assets in successful operation of the Franchise chain.
Beauty salon
Is it possible to obtain the business manager visa by being the franchisee?
Yes, I say it is possible. But also it is needed to consider what kind of contract is provided.
It must be deemed as it is surely the business you manage as an owner or a proprietor.
Just funding stocks will not be met with requirements of the visa application.
So you need to cautiously look for a partnership and contract details in the Franchise participation.
What kind of Franchise Chain is fitting with your expectation?
You can find many options in Japan to be the franchisee of various franchising groups.
List of FC corporate categories:
Food services
Convenience stores (other retailers)
Home delivery
Education (tutoring schools)
Cleaning business
Hair dressing
Fitness and Health business
Welfare and healthcare (nursing)
Secondhand dealer etc.
Fast food
Regarding convenience store chains in Japan, 7-eleven reigns in the market of convenience stores in Japan as well as in the world, but also other chains are achieved well in the market. There are 3 major chains now in Japan such as Lawson and Family-mart other than 7-eleven. The business results may be promised to be some, though the volume might be unsatisfactory for you.
Convenience store
In the food services, under the depression status by COVID-19 pandemic, you will not be able to expect much results. On the contrary home delivery chains in the field of food services are preferred in the marketplace. But I presume home delivery chains will be facing a competitive market sooner or later.
It would be advisable to go into some food service chains with a unique marketing strategy, if you can look at the time after this pandemic. There are still noticeable chains in Japan that stay on the marketplace being specific to Japanese culture.
Izakaya (Japanese Tavern)
In the field of education, private tutoring schools are demanded even though the population of children declined. Because presently many parents tend to prefer individual lessons than classroom lessons. Tutoring schools promoting a class with a minimum number of students hit in the market. But it is noted that collecting good tutors is a critical matter.
Tutoring school
You can find other categories unique to Japan and helpful chains for your petition of the business manager visa.
Whichever you like to select depends on your perception, but I can advise you properly if you provide me with your budget, intention, experience and eagerness to reside in Japan.
For further details please contact me by the e-mail below.
7F, KeioShinjuku321 Bldg., 3-2-1, Shinjuku, Shinjuku -ku, Tokyo, JAPAN 160-0022
TEL +81-3-5341-4611
FAX +81-3-5341-4623
Contact person: Masaki Tanzawa
Email: tanzawa@ablife.jp
URL: https://www.investorvisa.jp/investjapan/